ISG Citizen
The industry's only automation center of excellence enablement platform, bringing together training, governance and quality. Built for our clients through our experience of creating over 100 unique CoE’s to date.
Our Citizen Enablement Platform delivers results
Digital Learning
increase in output
reduction in build costs
Code Quality Analysis
increase in code coverage
decrease in review hours
RPA Platform Migrations
reduction in migration costs
decrease in migration hours
Compress the learning curve and scale your automation initiative
Our platform combines online instruction with hands-on, feedback-driven labs and expert-level human instruction.
Audit Your Third Parties
Use our Code Quality Analyzer to govern the quality of your third parties and ensure that you never allow a bad automation to go live.- Learn about the Intelligent automation ecosystem
- Quickly understand the value of alternative tooling
- Learn the basics and see live demonstrations
Learn By Doing
We are different. We put your new-found knowledge to use, with practical exercises at each stage of your learning journey.
- Review our interactive courses and put your knowledge to the test
- Full end to end courses across multiple Automation Tools
- Less multiple choice, and more practical assignments with scoring of your output
Track Your Teams' Success
Ensure your team are on course and trained up in the areas you decide, tracking individuals progress and successes in our unique learning environment.
- Reduce employee opportunity cost
- Gain insight into performance
- Create feedback loop critical for engagement and retention
Automation Catalogue
Capture every system, screen and object that your automations touch and make change management simple with a full history of every automation uploaded.
- Reduce time of code reviews with automated 24x7 expert reviewer
- Improve & standardize build against a set of configurable standards
- Simple fast rule builder, fully configurable without any coding required
Govern Your Citizen Automations
Never produce a bad automation, even in a citizen developer environment, by adding our Code Quality Analyzer to your internal and external code reviews.
- Enable your citizens to build with quality and to standards without constant oversite
- Reduce the number of code reviews needed by your senior developers
- Only clean automations get to move from development into production
Lab Environment
Try out new technologies - it's easy and risk-free in our Lab Environment. Plus, allow your citizen developers to put new-found skills to the test, explore and innovate.
- Try out and experiment with new automation tools in our virtual sandbox
- Improve your existing skills, and learn new ones risk free
- New tools added frequently to always stay a step ahead of the competition
Migrate Your Processes
Use our RPA Automated Migration Process to move from one RPA platform to another at the click of a button, and reduce your manual effort by up to 80%.
- Move your existing processes from one RPA platform to another
- Reduce the manual effort associated with a heavy migration, without dropping quality
- Break the shackles of your existing RPA provider without breaking your bank balance
Loosen your oversite
without losing control...
ISG helps you grow your developer community without increasing risk.
Govern your automations at scale with speed & confidence. Our powerful rules engine allows for infinite customizations
Significantly shift the effort from your Senior Developer Teams from tedious code reviews to last-mile support
Keep control throughout your development cycle by building code quality reviews into your code promotion process
Check adherence to best practices and your custom coding standards, and identify risk and security considerations
Review every line of code against every rule created.
Our powerful roles engine supports unlimited scenarios to evaluate against best practices, internal standards, risk and security considerations.
By seeing the entire automation through a single pane of glass, you will eliminate the need to open many windows and wizards for each review. Rule definitions include expected intervention so developers can fix simple issues earlier in the process.
Get Started
Code Quality Analyzer
Faster reviews + better code - less rework = increased bot throughput
- Review automation code for adherence to best practices
- Automate identification of typical code issues
- Customize without restriction with our rules engine
- Enforce consistency and reinforce good habits
- Streamline center of excellence code review processes
Learning Environment
Compress & improve the user learning curve
- Get hands-on, continuous learning using real-world scenarios
- Leverage our "learn by doing" graded lab and simulation environments
- Access expert support via moderated forum and office hours
- Provide globally available access in multiple languages
RPA Automated Migration Process
Translate one codebase into another with turnkey ease
- Review existing automations in seconds to ensure ready to migrate
- Quickly understand rules and logic of migration
- Migrate with a punch list of actions instantly created for the migration team
- Review post automation quality with code quality analyzer
- Decrease migration costs in both time and money
Improved Code = Less Rework = Faster Reviews = Increased Bot Throughput & ROI
It's easy! Robotic process automation files taken directly from the RPA software are uploaded either via API or drag and drop.
Code is then instantly reviewed against already-configured best practice standards and a visual dashboard is presented to the developer.
Each line of code can be interrogated across hundreds of automaton files to pinpoint specific areas to improve and rework.
Code reviews by senior resources post-improvements now take just minutes, and feedback can be provided within the tool.
Once all checks are complete, the automation is ready for approval and can move to the next stage of development.
Each login, upload, review, error, system, screen and object is captured and reported on across all RPA platforms in one pane of glass.